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    • 失踪的男孩BD高清中字
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    Matthew’s life is devastated after the disappearance of his younger brother, Tom. Matthew’s father had left him to look after Tom and now Matthew feels responsible. His father is trying to hold back the anger and the blame but the cracks are beginning to show. One day Matthew is looking through a box of press clippings and video tapes about Tom’s disappearance. Suddenly he hears a ghostly voice on one of the video tapes telling him “you never came for me!”. It’s the voice of his missing brother. He shows the tape to his father, Jake. This time there’s no voice and Jake flies into a rage as the wound is reopened. Matthew tells his best friend Simon about the voices on the tape. Is he losing his mind, is Tom alive or dead? At home, Matthew plays the tape and hears Tom’s voice again, desperately pleading for help. Then Matthew sees Tom at the window, gaunt and haggard. He rushes out to Tom but no one is there… Matthew strikes up a friendship with next-door neighbour Amy, who is beautiful but troubled. He talks to her about Tom and she suggests he visits a local medium. Matthew is unsure but he is again haunted by nightmarish visions of Tom. When he tries to sleep he has recurring nightmares that he is being buried alive. In desperation he goes to visit Melissa, the medium, who tells him that the area has been cursed through the ages. Her daughter gives Matthew a present, the drawing of a young girl. The following day Matthew is shocked when he finds out that Simon’s sister, Sophie, has been abducted. Matthew realises that the drawing by the medium’s daughter is of Sophie. The hauntings escalate, Matthew’s state of mind deteriorates. Only Amy seems to believe him, as a tentative romance grows between them. Matthew knows that he needs to get to the bottom of Tom’s disappearance if he is ever going to save Sophie. There is no going back as he hurtles towards the stark, chilling truth… The Disappeared…you can’t bury the past.


    • 4.0HD惊魂加油站吉姆·卡明斯,乔赛琳·唐娜休,理查德·布雷克,尼古拉斯·罗根,费松·拉夫,迈克尔·阿伯特,吉因·琼斯,罗宾·巴特利特,谢拉·麦克康米克,康勒·帕奥罗,瑞恩·马松,艾丽克斯·埃索,萨姆·亨廷顿,Jon,Proudstar,芭芭拉·克兰普顿,Robert,Broski,Matt,McVay
    • 2.0正片魔鬼名校Latkamon,Pinrojkirati,Anchalee,Saisoontorn,加图蓬·丹古来
    • 5.0正片暗后无脸珍娜·凯内尔,Danny,Kang,丹妮尔·林
    • 9.0抢先版陌生人 第一章加布里埃尔·巴索,玛德莱娜·佩切,蕾切尔·申顿,理查德·布雷克,埃拉·布鲁科莱里,艾玛·霍瓦特,吴宇卫,弗洛伊·格特瑞兹,瑞贝卡·詹士顿,J·R·埃斯波西托,佳尼斯·阿赫恩,弗洛里安·克莱尔,本·卡特赖特,瑞恩·邦恩,Brian,Law,史蒂威·戴维斯,迈尔斯·叶基尼,Rafaella,Biscayn-Debest,Milo,Callaghan,Pedro,Leandro
    • 9.0第14集完结阴影Nick,Smyth,Peter,Valdron,Margaryta,Soldatova,Dylan,Lloyd
    • 5.0HD720P中字冷血人狼汤镇业,何家驹,吴启华,刘兆铭,刘美娟


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