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    Helena is a young girl who spent all her life in a space pod just after her birth, traveling from Earth to a distant planet where she will reunite with others space colonials, with the voice of the on-board computer as only one company. Arriving to a space station for maintenance works, Helena meets Álex, the repairman, falling in love with him quickly. But Álex, still traumatized by the ghosts of his own past, decides some days later after to meet Helena break all rules and reveal her the truth: that she is part of a secret experiment to test the effects in the human body of an elongated space travel, and that she was offered by her fathers as well another babies, in the hope to runaway from a progressively more polluted and radioactive planet Earth. Escaping from the fake space pod, Helena exits to the world and discovering it at the side of Álex, being both prosecuted by Hugo, director of the project, who searches the way to keep all project in secret. But during the connivance .


    • 4.0HD星球大战7:原力觉醒黛西·雷德利,约翰·博耶加,哈里森·福特,多姆纳尔·格里森,亚当·德赖弗
    • 2.0HD陨石浩劫1ChristopherLloyd,JimmyJaxPinchak,StacyKeach,KennethMitchell
    • 5.0HD星门深渊高至霆,连凯,明子煜
    • 9.0HD国语/英语黑衣人4:全球追缉克里斯·海姆斯沃斯,泰莎·汤普森,丽贝卡·弗格森,库梅尔·南贾尼,拉菲·斯波,艾玛·汤普森,连姆·尼森,戴维娜·西塔拉姆,纳西尔·贾玛,维克托里娅·菲斯,佩内洛普·卡普迪雅,斯蒂芬·怀特,安纳托·陶布曼,露丝·霍洛克斯,贝恩·科拉科,马西·哈里尔,哈廷·帕特尔,通恰伊·古奈什,艾德里安·阿尔瓦拉多,史蒂芬·萨姆森,曼迪娅·弗罗里,黄渤,伊隆·马斯克
    • 6.0HDX战警天启詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊,迈克尔·法斯宾德,詹妮弗·劳伦斯,尼古拉斯·霍尔特
    • 1.0HD大话西游之大圣娶亲 粤语版周星驰,朱茵,蔡少芬,罗家英


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