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    03:34: Earthquake in Chile (Spanish: 03:34: Terremoto en Chile) is a Chilean film directed by Juan Pablo Ternicier, and written by Mateo Iribarren, which will narrate three different stories, based on the 8.8 Richter magnitude earthquake, and subsequent tsunami that hit Chile in 2010.The movie shows three stories of people that was affected by the disaster.The first of them, shows a woman (Andrea Freund) that goes from Pichilemu, O'Higgins Region, to the devastated town of Dichato, Biobío Region, as her sons were there spending their vacations there with Manuel (Marcelo Alonso), their father.The second story shows the experience of a convict (Fernando Gómez-Revira), who escapes from the Chillán Prison to Concepción, as his daughter was in the Alto Río building, which collapsed during the earthquake.The third story is developed in Dichato, where a group of young people (Loreto Aravena, Eduardo Paxeco, and Andrés Reyes), while enjoying their last day of vacations in a party, experience the strong movement and tsunami that annihilates the place.


    • 4.0正片脱逃杀手詹姆斯·麦斯登,阿尔·帕西诺,迈克尔·基顿,雷·迈克金农,马西娅·盖伊·哈登,莱拉·罗兰,查德·多纳拉,丹尼斯·杜根,尤安娜·库里克,中村苏西,约翰·胡热那克,杰伊·保尔森,安东尼·莫利纳利,Roberto,Portales,Sasha,Neboga,Sarah,Stark,Morgan,Bastin,Benita,Krista,Nall,玛丽莎·埃切维里亚,李·道森
    • 4.0HD人皮咒塔拉·巴斯罗,Ario,Bayu,Marissa,Anita,克里斯汀·哈金,阿斯马拉·阿比盖尔
    • 10.0第24集完结猜猜我是谁唐伟鹏,魏若熙,蔡瑞
    • 6.0正片轮回优香;香里奈;椎名桔平;杉本哲太;小栗旬;黑泽清;贾兆冀;原田文明;藤贵子
    • 6.0HD脑魔陳觀泰,余安安,楚湘雲,羅烈
    • 4.0第10集完结沼泽怪物SerindaSwan,MehcadBrooks


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