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    Before Krypton exploded and Jor-El put his baby son, Kal-El, in a rocket ship to Earth, the benevolent ruler was forced to banish three irredeemable criminals to another dimension called The Phantom Zone. The trio's leader, General Zod, vowed revenge. Later, of course, Kal-El grew up to become Superman, Earth's mighty champion. A battle with the criminal mastermind, Lex Luthor, ends with Superman hurling a nuclear warhead into space where it explodes, but not harmlessly. Instead, it frees the Kryptonian threesome from their other-dimensional prison. They soon discover they have almost unlimited power (the same powers, in fact, as Superman), which they use to take over the Earth. Meanwhile, the intrepid reporter, Lois Lane, learns that her bumbling colleague, Clark Kent, is really Superman, a revelation that leads to him bringing her to his frozen Fortress of Solitude and renouncing his powers in order to make love to her. It is only when Superman and Lois return to civilization that they learn of the three Kryptonians and how Lex Luthor has joined forces with them. Now, Superman must reverse the irreversible and regain his powers in order to save mankin


    • 9.0正片苏乞儿赵文卓,周迅,杨紫琼,周杰伦,安志杰
    • 10.0HD007之霹雳弹肖恩·康纳利,克劳迪娜·奥格尔,阿道弗·切利,卢仙娜·帕鲁兹,里克·范纳特,盖·唐尔曼
    • 4.0抢先版灭世男孩比尔·斯卡斯加德,杰西卡·罗德,米歇尔·道克瑞,布伦特·吉尔曼,艾赛亚·穆斯塔法,雅彦·鲁伊安,尼古拉斯·克罗维蒂,卡梅伦·克罗维蒂,奎因·科普兰,安德鲁·浩二,沙尔托·科普雷,法米克·詹森,Monica,Angrand,英格·贝克曼,Nena,Butler,Jane,de,Wet,谢恩·约翰·克鲁格,马丁·门罗,凯文·奥托,Conner,Ronquest
    • 7.0正片巨齿鲨2:深渊杰森·斯坦森,吴京,蔡书雅,克利夫·柯蒂斯,佩吉·肯尼迪,斯凯勒·塞缪尔斯,西耶娜·盖尔利,塞尔吉奥·佩里斯-门切塔,梅丽桑蒂·马休特,沃皮·范·拉姆,罗恩·斯穆安伯格,,埃布尔·瓦纳马科克,Billy,Clements,Ray,Strachan
    • 4.0更新至10集佐罗阿兰·德龙,奥塔维亚·皮科洛,恩佐·塞鲁西科,穆斯塔什,吉雅科莫·罗西·斯图尔特
    • 3.0HD少林寺弟子李冰,丁岚,聂建国,崔毅


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